
A Very Merry Christmas... &... Happy New Year!

This year we celebrated Christmas back in California.  We made it there just in time for Christmas Eve and stayed until after the new year.  The entire trip was great... it was so good to celebrate the birth of our Savior with loved ones.  We loved being with family and just hanging out.  The kids enjoyed lot's of attention from their sweet cousins-  they keep my children so entertained and happy. Our time was filled with *traditions*, lot's of laughs, tons of non-stop fun and plenty of great food.

I'm behind on blogging, so I will do my best to remember all the things we did...
The trip started off with a lot of "Are we there yet???"s, seriously we heard the first one less than 2 minutes on the road, followed within seconds by a phone call asking the same thing :) We were all so glad the roads were clear!

Christmas Eve was spent at the Jensen's home in Napa... There we feasted, played chimes*, played the white elephant gift exchange game*, ate rice pudding*- hoping to find an almond, enjoyed being together and felt very grateful for our many blessing including a loving family and friends.

Molly walking the dogs.... 
lovin' uncle Finn...

Christmas morning was so exciting- Chase peeked out the window right after waking up to check if it had snowed... no snow... but Santa still came!  He ate his cookies*, wrote a letter* to all the children in the house and left awesome gifts for all.
Max, Sam, Abby, Kate, Chase, & Molly

David's sister Jenn made her incredible cinnamon rolls* and hashbrown casserole*- so good! We hung out in our jammies and relaxed... then feasted some more that night... followed by a little Christmas program* by the light of the Christmas tree :)
happy boy
Aunt Jane and Rob came up from L.A. for a few days to visit.  It was fun hearing Aunt Jane sing to The Beatles on Rock Band, I especially enjoyed the duet by her & Leslie.

creepy cat
Sushi night*  David's brother Clark is a chef at the Happy Sumo in Utah- seriously talented and so awesome for making great sushi for everyone...YUM.

On the 30th we celebrated 7 years of wedded bliss :) 
I am one lucky girl, no doubt about it!

We spent one day playing at Scandia.  Molly loved the tunnels and balls.  Chase loved everything especially the Go-Karts...
waiting for his turn to race around
Chase had been wanting to go bowling for about a month before Christmas- we kept telling him we would go with his cousins... He was so excited when we went.  
(I have a cute video of him shuffling his feet across the floor, ball in both hands- rolling it down the lane and getting a spare- then high fiving everyone with a huge grin on his face. I just can't get it to upload)
New Years Eve...  We celebrated the end of 2010 and the start of 2011 with a big dinner of crab* and ribs- seriously it doesn't get better than that.  We had a lot of fun having the Missionaries there and introducing them to the Candy Bar game*.


Kent/Sue Adams said...

Great job on the post! It sounds like you guys had a great little break! Your kids are just too cute!!

amber schmidt said...

I'm glad your holidays were so great! I am a little jealous of your kids hair! :) They could be little models.

Michelle said...

Yeah, finally some new pics!! Sounds like you guys had a great Holiday season! I love the kids in their pj's so cute!

J said...

Ha, ha, reading about Scandia took me back to being a teenager there in Citrus Heights. How fun that you had such a great, relaxing Christmas!! We miss hanging out with you guys. We will have to make up for lost time this summer...down by the river.

Sara Hirschi said...

Hey Emily! Thought I would check out your blog too! How fun! You have such a beautiful family!! It's great to be able to hear how things are going for you and see all the cute pictures! Yay for blogs :)

Marla's Ramblings said...

Nice job! I used to work at Scandia in Ontario. So that was fun to see you mentioned it. :) Thanks for sending me your link!